23 September 2012

Spiritual Happiness: How to Flex Your Happiness Muscle

Happiness is just like a muscle - 
without exercise, it grows weak.
By applying the principles of 
building muscle to build happiness, 
you can establish a "strong core"
of satisfaction and joy.

Develop a happiness workout routine.

This means making time in your schedule to focus on happiness, just like you would focus on physical fitness or health.

It can be difficult in the hustle and bustle of life to make time just to be happy and the thought of scheduling what many people consider to be a spontaneous gift, may seem odd. 
But the better you get at creating happiness at will, no matter what is going on in your day, the happier you'll be overall. 

You can schedule your happiness exercise for 10 minutes in the morning, such as when you wake up, or 20 minutes in the afternoon after you finish working, or both!

Laugh as often as you can. "Laughter is the best medicine" holds some truth! 
If you can't find enough to laugh about, try laughing at nothing at all! 
Do laughter yoga.

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