Even if you come across a negative, find something positive in it.
Try it, try the new vision of life.
Gautam Buddha was insulted once.
This is how one should use situations, this is how a sannyasin should use negative opportunities for inner growth, for inner understanding, for meditativeness, for love, for compassion.
You will always be able to find something, and the day you become skillful at finding the positive in the negative, you will dance with joy.
Try it, try the new vision of life.
Think in terms of optimism, don’t be a pessimist.
The pessimist creates hell around himself and lives in it — you live in the world you create.
Remember, there is not only one world, there are as many worlds as there are minds in the world.
I live in my world, you live in your own world.
They are not only different, they never overlap.
They are utterly different, they exist on different planes.
Atisha makes it a fundamental rule for his disciples to live in a happy frame of mind. Then you start turning each opportunity into a challenge for growth.
Atisha makes it a fundamental rule for his disciples to live in a happy frame of mind. Then you start turning each opportunity into a challenge for growth.
For example, somebody insults you.
Now it is so clear that you have been insulted, how can you practice a happy frame of mind now?
Yes, it can be practiced. Insult a buddha and you will know.
Gautam Buddha was insulted once.
He was passing by a village, and the villagers were very against him. It was impossible for them to comprehend what he was teaching. Compared to the buddhas, the whole world is always very primitive, very unsophisticated, very stupid. The people gathered and insulted him very much.
Buddha listened very silently and then he said,
“If you are finished, can I take leave of you, because I have to reach the other village, and they must be waiting for me. If you are not finished, then when I return tomorrow morning you can come again and finish your job.”
One man from the crowd asked,
“Have you not heard us?
Buddha listened very silently and then he said,
“If you are finished, can I take leave of you, because I have to reach the other village, and they must be waiting for me. If you are not finished, then when I return tomorrow morning you can come again and finish your job.”
One man from the crowd asked,
“Have you not heard us?
We have been insulting you, abusing you. We have been using all kinds of dirty words, anything that we can find.”
Buddha laughed. He said,
“You have come a little too late — you should have come ten years ago. Then I was in the same frame of mind as you are; then I would have replied, and replied well. But now this is simply an opportunity for me to be compassionate, to be meditative. I am thankful to you that you allowed me this opportunity. This is just a test — a test of whether or not I have anything of the negative lurking anywhere in my unconscious mind.
“And I am happy to declare to you, friends, that not even a single shadow of the negative has passed through my mind. I have remained utterly blissful, you have not been able to affect me in any way. And I am tremendously happy that you gave me such a great opportunity. Very few people are as kind as you are.”
Buddha laughed. He said,
“You have come a little too late — you should have come ten years ago. Then I was in the same frame of mind as you are; then I would have replied, and replied well. But now this is simply an opportunity for me to be compassionate, to be meditative. I am thankful to you that you allowed me this opportunity. This is just a test — a test of whether or not I have anything of the negative lurking anywhere in my unconscious mind.
“And I am happy to declare to you, friends, that not even a single shadow of the negative has passed through my mind. I have remained utterly blissful, you have not been able to affect me in any way. And I am tremendously happy that you gave me such a great opportunity. Very few people are as kind as you are.”
This is how one should use situations, this is how a sannyasin should use negative opportunities for inner growth, for inner understanding, for meditativeness, for love, for compassion.
Once you have learned this happy frame of mind, this positive vision of life, you will be surprised that the whole existence starts functioning in a totally different way.
It starts mothering you.
It starts helping you in every possible way,
it becomes a great friend.
Love, Light & Peace,
Dave & Eugen
Gesund bleiben
Von der Arbeitsgesellschaft zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft
Das sind Titel und Thema des 3. Symposiums, das von den Business Doctors im Rahmen des
„Europäischen Forums für generationengerechte und gesunde Arbeitswelten“
vom 16. bis zum 17 Oktober 2014
in der Friedensburg Schlaining abgehalten wird.
Gesund bleiben
Von der Arbeitsgesellschaft zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft
Das sind Titel und Thema des 3. Symposiums, das von den Business Doctors im Rahmen des
„Europäischen Forums für generationengerechte und gesunde Arbeitswelten“
vom 16. bis zum 17 Oktober 2014
in der Friedensburg Schlaining abgehalten wird.
Top Referenten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik setzen sich in Vorträgen und Workshops mit den durch diese kulturelle Revolution in unseren Arbeitswelten herbeigeführten Änderungen auseinander und geben Einblick in die neusten Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen, insbesondere der Stress-und Burnout forschung, wie auch in die neuesten Methoden der Stress- und Burnoutprävention.
Erfolgreiche „Best Practice“ Beispiele runden das hochqualitative Programm ab.
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