21 June 2014

IN TUNE WITH NATURE : Soumitra Datta (photos)

“A camera is a small magic box that freezes a slice of life.”—Soumitra Datta 

Soumitra Datta’s love for nature propelled him to take up landscape photography. 

He shares his beliefs and insights with Digantika Mitra.

Agrodeep, Ganga riverside, early winter morning, West Bengal Photograph/Soumitra Datta 

Travelling with family always provides the much-needed recreation and relaxation in our lives. With Soumitra Datta, however, it would decide the course of his life. During his childhood days, wherever he travelled with his parents, he would encounter the varied colours and ambience of fields, rivers, mountains and more—all of which left a long-lasting impression on him. This abiding interest in nature motivated him to draw spiritual strength, and persuaded him to take up landscape photography.

Morning palette, Cachar, Assam. Photograph/Soumitra Datta 

Exploring Seasons

As a photographer, Soumitra never follows fixed guidelines. He even advises aspiring photographers to be their own judge and experience the spirit of nature through their hearts. “The more deeply you involve yourself with nature, the more clearly you will visualise its inner beauty,” he explains. “A grassland may appeal to you differently in different seasons. But only you can judge when to best captivate it.” Personally, he prefers to photograph in seasons when there is an interplay of clouds and light in the sky.

An autumn afternoon, Garhbeta, West Bengal. Photograph/Soumitra Datta 

The Photographer’s Philosophy

According to Soumitra, connecting with nature is very important and so is being patient. “A single beam of light falling on a floating leaf at one corner of the space shared in the frame can change your whole perspective of vision and understanding. The straight descriptive earthscape becomes impressionistic with the sudden, transient light and atmosphere, which is so momentary!” Thus, this photographer shoots landscapes with the mind of a philosopher, heart of a poet and hand of an artist.

Optimistic About Technology This photographer accepts modern digital cameras with zest. He believes that the digital camera has opened newer avenues. “You could be sure of what exactly you are capturing even in very poor lighting conditions”, he explains. “With the advancement of digital systems, images are technically richer while colours are more accurate with a lot more depth.”

Towards Preservation

Soumitra has felt a growing need to preserve nature for our own existence by maintaining ecological balance. Through his work, he aims to create awareness about the need to preserve our pristine landscapes. 

He further desires that others can utilise his images and advocate the same feeling about nature’s conservation. He understands that photographs cannot turn the world around instantly; but they can surely stir people’s minds and bring about the beginning of change for the better.

Diverging clouds, Hugli, West Bengal. Photograph/Soumitra Datta 

About Soumitra

He is an engineer by profession and a zealous nature photographer. He has published many books and also has many exhibitions to his credit. He was a joint course co-ordinator and fellow teacher of a photography course under the aegis of ACEEC of Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

Article Link: Better Photography




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