17 February 2013


By Douglas Eby 

Many authors and coaches declare that we can benefit from using our gut reactions, hunches, instincts – that using material we get, in addition to the usual senses and rational thought, can guide our personal development and enhance creativity. 

A photo is writer, producer, director Guillermo del Toro and a creature from his acclaimed movie “Pan’s Labyrinth.”  He has commented on a couple of different aspects of intuition and its presence in our lives:

“When you have the intuition that there is something which is there, but out of the reach of your physical world, art and religion are the only means to get to it.”

He also spoke about people having two levels of thought: “One is conscious and the other unconscious or subconscious…

“Our problem is that we divide things that may be instinctive and collective and we have compartmentalized our perception so strongly that we only get them in glimpses and I think this is where the idea of the Jungian archetype comes to work…

“I believe that there is a whole dimension that I wouldn’t call supernatural but ‘supranatural,’ that I believe in.”

Another arena for intuition

A purpose and personal growth coach for entrepreneurs, Baeth Davis advises on her site:

“If you really want to access your business creativity and live your Life Purpose, there’s one jewel in your treasure chest you must dig out, polish up and wear proudly – the gem is your intuition.

‘Without it, you are likely to be confused and looking to others for your own answers.”

She says it is “perfectly good and necessary to seek out spirituality and business knowledge from others” but thinks “there is a difference between being a workshop junkie and being a truth seeker.

“The workshop junkie looks for the next quick fix of temporary, adrenaline-induced inspiration (quick to wear off), while the truth seeker looks within and asks, Hey you, what do you really want to study and learn about next?”

But intuition is not infallible.

Neuropsychologist David Weeks notes in his book Secrets of the Superyoung that “83 percent of Nobel Prize-winning scientists claim frequent or occasional assistance from unconscious intuitions, but only 7 percent say that such hunches were always correct… Albert Einstein once said he lost two years on an erroneous intuition.”
From my post Intuition: powers and perils – which includes quotes by other writers as well.

But even with that cautionary note, the many quotes and book excerpts I have collected over the years are generally positive about using intuition.

For example, energy and intuitive psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD thinks:
 “The psychic forces or the creative forces come through in exactly the same way, in that you have to be open and receptive to them if they come through, rather than by effort or to force anything. So it’s a whole different way of perceiving than simply through the analytic mind.” 

With Our Thanks to Douglas Eby for this article.

Love, Light & Peace,
Dave & Eugen

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