18 July 2014

How to Manifest Money and Happiness

By Harmony Rousseau

"One of my goals is to manifest more money in my life. And while I’m hoping that I’ll win tonight’s Powerball lottery and thus solve all my financial concerns for life, I’m also looking for practical ways to make money quickly. Call it a contingency plan, just in case I don’t win.

I used to have the belief that if I want more money in my life, I would need to work hard for it. Fundamentally, I believe that if I want to make $100, I need to give at least $100 in value in exchange for cash. However, how I provide that value can vary dramatically.

My first job in high school was busing tables at a local restaurant. For that, I made minimum wage plus a small percentage of whatever the waitresses made in tips that day. Eventually, I graduated to waitressing. Then, I went to college and grad school, learned new skills, and got a higher paying job consulting with businesses about how best to market their products and services.

What I make now is considerably more than clearing tables at a restaurant, and it takes a lot less time to make $100 because the value I provide as a marketing consultant is perceived as much higher value than a bus girl at a restaurant.

In short, one of the quickest ways to manifest more money is to increase the perceived value of what you offer. If you do a job that virtually anyone can do, its perceived value is lower than if you do something more specialized – that fewer people can do.

Do What You Love

If you are stuck in a job that doesn’t pay well or isn’t interesting or undervalues your skills, perhaps it’s time for a change.
Manifesting involves not only understanding what you want, but aligning yourself with the ways to achieve your goals. You will know when you are in alignment by the way you feel when you focus on it. If you feel happy and excited, you’ve opened yourself up to doing bigger and better things – and are one step closer to your goals.

Working in a restaurant left me drained. I had to work long hours with little encouragement. Every day, I did the same thing, so there wasn’t much reward in going to work. Now, I help people every day overcome their problems, challenges and obstacles. With each business I work with, I build new relationships and get to solve unique challenges. It’s much more exciting and motivating.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Do what you love and money will come.”
This is only partially true.
Doing what you love is a great first step, but you must also demonstrate to others that what you do has value to them.

If you can help others find joy or make money or better their lives in some way, 

you are on the right track.

Live With Passion 

Finally, let your passion shine.
When others see how passionate you are and how much value you add to their lives, they will be drawn to you. Most people prefer to follow rather than lead. They live boring lives and are just getting by. They suppress their desires for excitement and adventure by telling themselves they will have that in the future – when they get that raise, find a life partner, have children, retire, etc.

Life is short. If you always put off what you want in hopes that you will eventually get around to doing it one day, you will miss those great opportunities in the here and now. One day you will wake up and wonder how you got where you are and why you didn’t take risks along the way.

As Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

With Our Thanks to Harmony Rousseau for this Article.

Love & Light
Dave & Eugen

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