13 December 2012

Be Inspired~Tantric Intimacy Exercise for Couples

Tantric Intimacy Exercise for Couples

1. When you awake, set a clear intent for the day that you are open to seeing things from different perspectives.

2. As you go about your daily business, become aware of those situations that stand out for you.

3. Observe the situations from a different perspective; i.e, someone else's point of view. Imagine yourself as being the Creative Director of a scene as it unfolds. Now, create different angles from which the scene can be shot. Play around and have fun with it.

4. Write down the different things that stood out for you, then reflect upon what you saw and its meaning.
What we think determines what we see, hear and feel, in spite of what is actually transpiring around us.
In a nutshell, there's what happens and what we think happens.
The bulk of our decisions, feelings and actions are based upon our thoughts, rather than objective facts, so this is crucial.

5. Set aside a weekly discussion time with your partner where you can both discuss what you saw and what you felt. By listening to your partner's interpretation of the world around them, you stay closely attuned to how they interpret life. This knowledge keeps you intimately connected in spirit, which will also serve you well in the boudoir.

The world is what you think it is. 
Spend some time this next week just noticing how you perceive the world around you. 
Take time to share your observations with your partner.
Intimacy thrives on shared experiences, both in and out the boudoir.

With our appreciation for this article to:
Devi Bliss

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