31 March 2013


Oftentimes we find ourselves in a situation where we feel like we just don't want to stand out from the crowd for fear of being ridiculed. This can be a very hard situation, especially since we can lose a lot of opportunities simply because of this fear. 

Our insecurities are caused by the lack of self-confidence.

Without self-confidence, we lack the initiative to perform extraordinary things for ourselves. Without self-confidence, we let fear take over and conquer us. If you've been feeling a bit low, but you want to start feeling different, good for you. The acceptance of change is always the first step. By performing a set of breathing exercises, postures and meditation, one can maintain the balance of both their physical as well as mental health. 

If you're wondering on how yoga can greatly help you enhance and strengthen your self-esteem, here are some explanations:

Yoga Makes Your Body Fit - 

Many people are aware that performing exercise can make your body look and feel better. With constant yoga exercises and stretches, your muscles will be put to work. These yoga poses and exercises can help give your muscles a more toned appearance. Thanks to the breathing exercises of yoga, more oxygen can enter your muscles, thus providing your muscles with more vigor. If you once had problems with the body looked, yoga can help ease this problem by providing you with better looking muscles.

Yoga Helps You in Becoming Wholly Aware Of Your Limitations And Capabilities - 

Self-confidence helps us get rid of fear of the things that we cannot do. However, the truth of the matter is that we cannot do everything, but this doesn't necessarily mean that we should feel bad about having limitations. 
Yoga can help you understand more your mind as well as your body. With yoga, you will become more aware of your limitations, as well as your potentials. If you know what are the things that you could possibly do, you are able to erase all the negative thoughts from your mind. Yoga can also help you balance your mind by helping you understand that there are things that one is capable of performing, and there are some things that cannot be done
The meditation exercises of yoga can help one grasp the concept that limitations are not downfalls, but simply shortcomings that have to be accepted. Once you've balanced all these thoughts, your confidence in yourself as well as your self-awareness will intensify.

Yoga Strengthens Your Mind - 

One of the main causes of mental fatigue is stress. 
One shouldn't take mental fatigue lightly, because this condition can be the start of a lot of issues, like accumulation of negative thoughts that can ultimately lead to depression. 
Yoga can help you release these stressors by cleaning up all the clutter stored in your mind. 

Through a series of meditation and relaxing breathing exercises, one can increase the circulation of oxygen in the mind and body, thus increasing the flow of energy to your overall body. 
Yoga can help you deal with the stress, even when you're placed in an alarming situation. Once you know that you can deal with all the stress, your self-confidence will also increase. You no longer have to fear about not being capable of dealing with your problems, because you are aware that you've prepared for it.

Yoga Can Improve Your Posture - 

Having great posture has benefits that exceed aesthetic purposes. 
Excellent posture will make you look great indeed, but it can also prevent the organs in the body from compressing. If your organs are compressed because of your poor posture, your organs will not be able to function as effectively as they are supposed to. 
By religiously performing yoga, you can correct these problems since yoga can help keep your body aligned. With great posture, your body will feel more energized, and you'll feel more confident as well.

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In Love, Light & Peace,
Dave & Eugen

18 March 2013


Is there something you've always wanted to learn, like singing, dancing, or acting? Or perhaps you have a love for horses and want to take riding lessons? Don't brush it off as a silly extravagance or something you just don't have the time or money for — giving into your creative desires is not only fun, it's also good for your emotional health.

Creative Thinking: Why Creativity Is Important

Creativity is important for a number of reasons, including:
It's fun and enjoyable. Doing things that you like reduces stress and improves overall well-being.
It boosts self-confidence. Trying new things can improve self-confidence and make you a more interesting person.

It stimulates the brain. Creativity sharpens the brain, which can stem the advance of dementia in old age. The more new things you learn, the more use the brain gets — and the sharper it will remain. It's often recommended that seniors learn new skills and challenge themselves with new opportunities, but this recommendation is appropriate for any age.

Creative Thinking: A Balanced Life

You already know that all work and no play do not make for a healthy life — and can result in a pretty unhappy you. But that also doesn't mean that all play and no work is good either, and that's why striking the right balance is so important.

Working and being productive helps keep you sharp, organized, and even happy — as long as it's well balanced with leisure and creativity. Whether it's at your daily job, taking care of your children, or cleaning up your home and yard, you feel a great sense of accomplishment after a productive day — and that does a lot for your emotional health. But we all need time to rest and rejuvenate, and do something fun and stimulating. So block off some time each day or each week for a little creativity.

Creative Thinking: Making the Most of Your Time

During your "you" time, do anything that you enjoy or anything that's new and different to you. Make it something that's challenging, stimulating, and that you look forward to. Here are some good ways to challenge your brain, learn new skills, and get your creative juices flowing:

Write in a journal or do some creative writing
Tackle a crossword puzzle
Take a knitting, crochet, or cross-stitch class
Take up gardening
Visit the theater
Take a painting or sculpture class
Take a dance class
Learn yoga or tai chi
Listen to lectures
Take a cooking class
Learn to sing or play a musical instrument
Learn to speak a new language
Go back to school and take some academic or other classes of interest to you

Most importantly, whatever you decide to do, make it fun. Sure, it's one more thing to add to your busy schedule, but taking time for creativity is one of the best investments you can make for your body and spirit.

In Love, Light & Peace,
Dave & Eugen


Improved mood and quality of life, stress relief, and healing from trauma are just a few of the many benefits of massage therapy.

Massage can provide stress relief for just about anyone, from preterm babies to the elderly.
Yet the benefits of massage go beyond stress relief.
Moderate-pressure massage for as little as 15 minutes may offer relief from depression, anger, and anxiety.

“It’s never fun to let stress bring you to your breaking point! Just as we take our cars in for regular tune-ups, we too need maintenance,” says massage therapist Kristen Sykora, LMT, owner of Harmony Healthcare Associates and Hands Down Physical Arts, Inc. in Wantagh, NY. “Massage therapy decreases the amount of stress in the body by [relaxing] muscles, flushing out the waste products from the muscles, and increasing the ‘feel-good’ hormones.”

Massage Therapy and Stress Relief: Emotional Health Benefits

If you’ve been in the hands of a good massage therapist, you already know how your body responds with stress relief. But the physiological response goes deeper than blissful relaxation.

“Massage therapy can improve a person’s emotional health by reducing stress and stress hormones; by increasing serotonin and thereby reducing depression and pain; and by enhancing immune function and thereby reducing bacterial and viral illnesses,” explains Tiffany Field, PhD, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine in Miami, Fla.

Field’s research team has shown that massage relieves stress for preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. Three 15-minute full-body massages each day for five days lead to a significant reduction in stress-related behaviors in this vulnerable population. Massage has also been shown to help preterm babies gain weight faster.

Research has also shown that:

Six 30-minute massages over a two-week period can ease pain and improve mood among people with advanced cancer.
Massage can help reduce depression in both children and pregnant women. As little as 15 minutes of massage on a regular basis may be beneficial to mood.
Massage therapy is helpful for trauma victims. “Aside from physical pain, victims of trauma, past or present, will often hold memories of such events in their muscle tissues. By receiving massage from a trained professional, one can get back in touch with their body and be able to access the held emotions,” says Sykora.

Massage is not just a way to gain stress relief — you can reduce many of the other unpleasant emotions in your life as well. “Many studies show that massage therapy reduces negative mood states like depression, anxiety, and anger and their associated stress hormones,” says Field.

Massage Therapy and Stress Relief: Finding a Massage Therapist

Most massage therapists can provide the kind of massage you will need to help with depression, anger, anxiety, and stress relief. “Moderate pressure is the key factor for massage therapy to be effective. Any type of massage therapist who uses moderate pressure should be able to help with mood management,” says Field.

USA: You can find a licensed massage therapist near you at the
American Massage Therapy Association Web site (click to link)

“We often go through our day without any recognition of how our bodies are responding to the stress we experience,” says Sykora, who advises regular massage sessions as well as a meditation practice for optimal stress management. “Massage treatments give us a time-out in order for us to access the deeper layers of our well-being, allowing the therapist to unwind the holding patterns in our tissues.”

So don’t be afraid to indulge in a massage every now and then —
it's good for your emotional well-being and your physical health.

Love, Light & Peace,
Dave & Eugen

12 March 2013


Una realidad que debe superarse

Parte de la realidad de las cosas que nos rodean, llega hasta nosotros de una manera poco pura, o tergiversada. ¿Cómo puede ser esto posible? Es posible por el hecho de que nuestro ser (nuestra parte interna no física), se halla acosado por esos seres llamados: Emociones Negativas, estados negativos o YOES negativos.

Es increíble el ponernos a pensar de una manera Objetiva “de eso que llamamos realidad”, y darnos cuenta del cómo y del porqué de esta prisión creada por los estados negativos, que no somos nosotros, sino que son estados. El hecho de tratar de transformar estos estados, es pura y exclusiva responsabilidad nuestra, y este trabajo que realicemos sobre nosotros, es de un valor importantísimo y nos va a ayudar a encontrar una gran parte de nuestra realidad interna.

Estas nubes oscuras (emociones negativas) nos ciegan los ojos internos y nos impiden encontrar nuestro verdadero significado; a éstas hay que disiparlas con el viento de la COMPRENSIÓN, no de la represion,esto nos dará la base para emprender una integración, una individuación, de una manera acertada, que es la VERDADERA meta del ser humano.

El sistema del Cuarto Camino de Gurdjieff tiene una máxima que es: 
“Tenemos Derecho a No ser Negativos” 
¿Cuantas veces despilfarramos ese Derecho? 
¿Cuantas veces nos abandonamos a que nos destruyan los malos estados? y lo más importante, ¿Cuantas veces luchamos contra ellos?, realmente nunca. 

Nunca por el hecho de que si no lo manifestamos en palabras o gestos, el estado corroe nuestro ser, (tendríamos que saber cómo funciona el mecanismo negativo en nosotros) y caemos en abismos de los cuales nos toma tiempo salir, o bien, el estado se puede manifestar después de la acción, veamos un ejemplo simple: 
nos insultan en público, podríamos haber reaccionado o no, si no hubiéramos reaccionado externamente, al regreso a casa nos acordaríamos de la situación, y la emoción negativa se apoderará de nosotros absorbiendo nuestra energía, en forma gratuita; estará viviendo como un parásito a expensas nuestra y nosotros la alimentaremos con ganas. 
¿Por qué? ¿Se han observado como gozan de estar negativos? 
¿No es acaso como un placer dolor? 
¿Han observado como la gente cuenta con tantas ganas sus pesares, disfruta y se forman mesas redondas, para hacer competencias de quien de todos mas sufrió?

Es real que gran parte de nuestras vidas se basa en este tipo de climas internos. Pero hay una forma con la que podemos luchar contra esta enfermedad, porque no son los imperios, ni las bombas atómicas, ni las guerras, etc. los que gobiernan el mundo, sino las emociones negativas. Son las emociones negativas las que generan todas las entidades para la destrucción del hombre.

LIBERARNOS está en una enseñanza y una guía especializada, no en una enseñanza común sino en una donde haya gente que ya ha despertado a ese sueño que nos domina, gente que trabaja de una forma real sobre sí misma con el hecho de darnos la oportunidad de reencontrarnos a nosotros mismos para que podamos realmente llegar a SER.

Love, Light & Peace
Dave & Eugen